Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Kind of like "Where's Waldo?"...."Where's Steph?"
Another great shot captured by Becky!

This week is the last week of the barbell club and I thought it would be a great time for ALL of us to reestablish or establish a one rep max on our lifts! There were some great PR's on Wednesday's push press! 
Coach Steph's last day.....
We are going to miss you SO much Steph! You have been such a great part of our CFU family, you have been so involved and that is what makes a great coach! Always coming to WOD at different classes to meet the members, and being so helpful to everyone that crosses your path. 
I think a CFU field trip to Japan is in order :) But if not, at least Drew and I! 

WODBooks are in so if you purchased one please come and get it from me. 

This is going to be a test run, if no one uses the hours then we lose them. 
We will begin these open hours this weekend. Next weekend, June 9th: we will be CLOSED and at CTO for CrossFit for Hope.
Saturday 10am-noon
Sunday 10am-noon
What is open gym? 
Open gym is NOT coach led, you must be able to come in and workout on your own (with good form!)
You can do a WOD that you missed during the week, work on skill, do an endurance WOD, work on strength, ect. We also have open gym at 3:30pm Monday-Friday.

As far as FREE Intro WOD's on weekends: If you know of someone that is interested in trying us out, please have them email me and I will set something up with them, the weekends will still work but once we start Barbell Club and the Unrivaled Kids program I will need to make appointments for intro WODs :) 
Thanks guys! 

Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

3 rounds:
2 wall walks
20 pistols
30 sit ups
40 double unders