Tuesday, February 12, 2013


15:00 on the clock:
750m row

Then with remaining time AMRAP:
1 rope climb

10 Hand-Release Push Ups
35 Double Unders

MEMBER OF THE MONTH (January...yes I am a little late)
BARB Team 8! (February Member of the Month will come out tomorrow)

When did you start CF and why?

1. Every year I stop working out during my busy season at work which is from December through March. I get stressed from work and stressed from not working out. I wanted to find something that would hold me accountable and take away my excuse of being too busy with work. This year I have not stopped working out during my busy season. I am still stressed about work but now I am stressed and in-shape 
What keeps you coming back?
2. Learning to do things that I never thought I could do such as climbing ropes, and the progress I have made in lifting heavier weights.
If you could create your own WOD what would it be? What would you name it?
3. I don't know what I would call it but I like the longer WODS that we do. It would be a 20 minute AMRAP that involved pull ups, box jumps, rope climbs, a run, sit ups, and kettle bell swings.
Favorite lift or WOD?
4. The WOD we did at the end of January that was the ladder with the 20 minute time limit: 10 squat cleans, 20 T2B, 30 box jumps, 40 KB swings, 50 burpees and then back down the ladder.
Least favorite?
5. Double unders because I can't do them yet and I have to do three times as many singles.
6. Learn to do double unders.
In ten words or less what would you tell someone to convince them to do CrossFit?
7. Don't think you're not strong enough, everything can be scaled.

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