Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thursday: Happy 15.4 Release Day!

Oh hey Jeff Stewart! 
If you didn't know, Jeff is gearing up for a Weightlifting meet in April,
He's been putting in some hours and dropping to a new weight class.

Skill Work-
Free Choice: 10 min

WOD (Choose one)

1. Make up a WOD ( WOD only, no strength) from Monday-Wed

2. ROW 9 Rounds: 1:40 ON :20 OFF - After Round 5, rest 2:00minutes

NFT (Not for Time)
3 Rounds:
10 Strict Pull Ups (noooooo bands! work rings, work on getting as parallel to the floor as possible, if that's easy, put your feet on a box/bench--stay tight, think hollow position!)
15 Steps - Banded lateral Walk each direction
Row 500m
30 second Ring Hold (accumulated) - you can scale back to dip bar or two boxes side-by-side

15.4 Will be Released tonight at 8pm! Friday we will be doing the Open WOD for classes. Depending on the time limit of the WOD we may or may not have heats. If you need a certified judge to come to class, make sure you arrange that! Otherwise, please come Friday Night :)
Don't forget that classes end early on Friday evenings to start the Open WOD heats.

Next week is the last week of the CrossFit Open and to celebrate a great Open season we will be have NO EVENING CLASSES (just open gym) on Friday March 27th, we will start the heats at 4:45PM and after everyone has completed the WOD, we will feast! This will be a pot luck :) YAY!!!
I will post a sign up sheet early next week so that way we can see what you will bring and make sure we don't bring too much of the same things. Please keep it as paleo as possible!

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