5 rounds, each for time
with a three min rest between each round:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
Reminder: You have until Wednesday to order a CFU WOD Book, please pay with the paypal link on the right of this page.
What/who got you started with CrossFit?
1) I heard about CrossFit when we were stationed in Coronado. It wasn't until we moved to Virginia that I decided to finally go and try it out. I walked in and signed a year contract before ever doing a WOD and that was in 2009. I was hooked from that first day.
What made you stick with it?
2) There are so many reasons as to why I've stuck with CrossFit. It has given me confidence in my body's ability to move a lot of weight. It has provided me with a wonderful support system. We are a military family and with family being so far away, I feel blessed that I am surrounded by a wonderful group of people that I could call on if I ever needed anything.
Why did you become a coach?
3) I decided to get my Level 1 because I wanted to be able to share my love of this sport. I almost feel like I won the lottery since I found what I love to do. I am continuously learning through the other coaches and my fellow crossfitters. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Favorite WOD/Lift
4) Favorite WOD is Murph. My strength is my endurance. It challenges me mentally and the fact that you can put a weighted vest on and make it a major game changer is that much more appealing. I had a friend say "CrossFit makes me feel like I could fight crime!" This is how I feel after Murph. Favorite Lift is the Dead Lift. I like to say I can move a crap ton of weight.
Lease Favorite WOD/Lift
5) I really don't have a least favorite WOD, but my least favorite lift is the Strict Press. Let's just say it's like everything else, a work in progress.
If you were a superhero who would you be?
6) If I were a super hero I would be one of the Wonder Twins! I'm not sure if they are actually super heros, but who wouldn't want to morph into the form of water or the shape of a surfboard? Plus you will have your buddy to cruise around the world with.
What do you tell your friends when they ask you about CrossFit?
When my friends ask me about CrossFit, I usually tell them it is like nothing they have ever done before. I could go through the whole explaination of moving large loads, long distances quickly or about body mechanics and healthy eating, but it is all fo that and so much more. It breaks you down and builds you up, but gives you a major high once you've finished. With CrossFit, you don't plateau, there is always room for growth. You are surrounded by people who will see you at possibly your most vulnerable state, but these people will help you finish and give you a high five when you are done. Where else can you workout, stay around after you've finished to encourage your friends, spend time outside of the gym and literally miss when you away. Best explanation is they are my "Chosen Family"!
Love you guys more than you know!