What can CrossFit do for you? Well, it can make you faster, get you stronger....
But what can it do for you when you pair it with good nutrition?!
See for yourself!!! Preston Noe has participated in our last two nutrition challenges and since starting CF in January has made an incredible transformation in just 4 months!!!
So as you can see; hard work, dedication, training hard and a clean diet can turn you into a lean, mean, ripped NINJA!
If you missed my post about the parking issue on FB here it is....
Please do not park in Dr. Honda's parking lots when they are in business hours. The only classes that can park there are the 5:30pm and 6:30pm class. Fill up our parking lot please. If that is full you can park behind the boats (where there is no fire lane) which is on the other side of the Dr. Honda building. You can ask me where if you are unsure. Thanks guys!
Breaking down the deadlift
5 rounds
10 Deadlift 225/155
10 burpees
Cash Out
Strict Toes-to-Bar 3x10
dang, I *heart* your programming, Jackie. Miss it and the 5.5 crew.