Friday, April 25, 2014


The gym will be closed but we will be WODing for Austin Salazar!!
Jess and Jeff are regulars at team 6am. Their son Austin was diagnosed with cancer
in December. He's a strong young man and continues to fight through this tough journey.
Unfortunately Austin won't be able to join us, he will be getting his chemo treatment done but we 
hope to make a video to send to him! I know that he wishes he could come and hang out with us! 

If you did not register for this event you can come to the gym and jump in at the end, we can add
heats to get everyone in. You can bring money in to donate, or buy a shirt at the event (if there are some left) and all those proceeds will go to the Salazar's. 

We will have tons of free Optimum Nutrition samples and water bottle for everyone. We also have a couple of give-a-ways. So if you pre registered for this event, or are donating at the event, coming and get a raffle ticket from the front desk! 

I am not sure what time we will be done with the event and cleaning up the equipment after. So as of right now I am saying no open gym. To be on the safe side I recommend signing up for the event and being added in to heats at the end so that you can WOD! If there is time left then I will keep the gym open and will post on FB if we are open. 

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