Tuesday, May 12, 2015


KICK SERIOUS ASS this weekend at Regionals!
I'm so proud of you guys and all of the hard work you always put in.
I remember when both Britney and Bryan first started. I remember
when a 75lb snatch was tough for Brit, and now she can hit 130 (at least that is the last PR
I know of). And I remember taking Bryan through his intro workout, it was Helen and it took him
about 20 minutes. Now he can crush that in under 9!!!!!
Remember that we all start somewhere and if we put in the work, we WILL improve!!
We will get better each day…keep pushing! 

REPOST!! Thursday most of our coaches are going to be GONE in ATL for CrossFit Regionals. 
Andrew Yentzer, Kenny and Brian Crockett will be holding it DOWN! 
Thursday May 14th all classes are on, except there will be NO OPEN GYM
Friday May 15th all classes, except there will be NO NOON class
Sunday May 17th CLOSED

Lift Like a Girl: NEXT WEEK Tue/Thursday classes 

1. 10 min to work up to a heavy clean 

5 min AMRAP: 
10 calorie row (m)/ 8 calorie row (w)
8 V-Ups

1 min Rest

5 min AMRAP: 
10 Wall Balls 
10 Hand-Release Push Ups

1 min Rest

5 min AMRAP: 
Power Cleans 135/95
Shoulder-to-Overhead *same bar 

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