Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friday is here again! Already!

Of course we all want to be the best, do our best and impress everyone. But the truth is, we all have off days, we all have weaknesses and we sure as hell cant pretend CrossFit is easy. 
Nobody in here is trying to scare you, nor should you let anyone deter you away. We aren't intimidating, we are supportive. And just because you think someone makes it look easy, doesn't mean it is. TRUST ME. Just because someone can finish a workout faster than you, or maybe use more weight doesn't mean that they don't feel your pain, because they DO! CrossFit will NEVER get easier. You will get stronger, faster and push yourself harder, therefore the "suck" will always be there. Embrace it! 

Work your way up to a 1RM 
behind the neck/snatch grip Jerk

*the same way we get the bar overhead for our OHS!

$ Cash Out $ 


  1. Leg burners :) Lynn

  2. 108lbs this morning! Woop Woop!

  3. My next skill work needs to be dropping the bar with weights!

  4. Dont worry Brandy, you aren't the only one ;)
    Where is everyones weight today?! post post post!

  5. Rudy -195# (I wanted 205# so bad!!!)
    Lauren - 93#

    Yea everyone post post post!!!

  6. 155# for me. I already cant wait to do these again!
