Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wednesday WOD

Is your nutrition where it should be? 
I challenge you all to record 1-2 full days worth of food/liquid intake, as specific as possible. Bring it in to me and let me see what you are fueling yourself with! I can give you suggestions, and help you get on track! 
Choose one: double unders, l-sits, ring holds, muscle ups, handstands
* you will work your weakness for 7 minutes. 

For time: 
500 meter row
10---> 1 box jumps
1---> 10 hang cleans 135/95


  1. 12:56, I think???? with 65#'s

  2. 14:14 RX. I need a wod buddy, working out a lone is un-motivating, I need someone to yell at ME!
