Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anniversary WOD

In honor of Coaches Jackie and Drew and their one year anniversary we will celebrate WOD style! 
3 rds for time:
8 Clean and Jerks (squat clean) 135/95#
28 Box jumps 30in
10 strict pull ups

$ Cash Out $
2 min AMRAP sit ups


  1. Talking about constantly varied...I almost forgot how to do a strict pull up! LOL...Great way to start off a Monday morning with a Kastelic Anny BEATDOWN WOD!

    95# CJ (slowly going heavier...should much better)

    30in box

    22:04...and feeling dead! lol

    72 sit ups

    - Marcos

    Ruby: 18:37 - 63#/24in

  2. RX weight and box but I cant remember my time. I think it was 16 something.
    Sit ups: 78.....tried to beat Jasmine!! She was my motivation!

  3. 65#s, 20 in box, 19: something, 65 situps

  4. 12:18 Rx... Needed this one!

    107 sit-ups

