The Hampton Roads all Gals WOD was AWESOME!
You can check out the album on our FB page!
Oct 3rd-7th you can bring in a friend or two. New people only ;) Lets show them the CFU love!
Death by Jackie aka BURPEES
*min 1 do 1 burpee, min 2 do 2 burpees......
ect. until you can no longer complete the given # within a minute.
Cash Out
Ring L-sits
4 x max rep holds
Please make sure you register for Barbells for Boobs, Oct 29th at CFU
Also, remember that on Oct 15th, we will be running the Susan Koman Race for the Cure.
Therefore we will not be having a class. So please sign up for the race! Here is the link- join our team Bosom BAMFs ;) ;)
We will also be starting a new challenge in Nov (date TBA). This challenge will be the "CFU Look Better Naked Challenge" its not a paleo challenge, but the cleaner you eat the more points you get! Everything will be based off of a point system: workouts, meals, keeping a food journal....
Who is ready to start another challenge, already?!
Also, remember that on Oct 15th, we will be running the Susan Koman Race for the Cure.
Therefore we will not be having a class. So please sign up for the race! Here is the link- join our team Bosom BAMFs ;) ;)
We will also be starting a new challenge in Nov (date TBA). This challenge will be the "CFU Look Better Naked Challenge" its not a paleo challenge, but the cleaner you eat the more points you get! Everything will be based off of a point system: workouts, meals, keeping a food journal....
Who is ready to start another challenge, already?!
14 on the 18th minute