Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feb 9


15 min
Come in and work on a skill...what do you need more work with?
Double Unders is a big one for a lot of people in the you have
your DU's yet?!

5 min AMRAP
10 Farmer Carry Walking Lunges 35/25#
*with plate, must hold in ring
10 Sit Ups

Rest 3 minutes

5 min AMRAP
50m sprint
7 deadlift 250/165#

Rest 3 minutes

5min AMRAP
10 up-downs
5KB/DB one arm cleans
*each arm

Please Note:
There will be NO 10am intro class on Saturday
 due to the All Girls WOD that is taking place at CrossFit Rife, in VA Beach at 11am.
 I highly encourage all girls from our gym to attend this event with me.
The All Girls WOD's originated from CFU! This will be the All Girls WOD #3, they are SO much fun!
There is no reason to be intimidated. There will be ALL levels of athletes there. Let's go have fun ladies!

1 comment:

  1. AMRAP #1: 5 rounds, RX+ (used 35# DB)

    AMRAP #2: 5 rounds +5 DL, RX

    AMRAP #3: 5 rounds w/ 15# DB
