Skill Work
15 minutes
Some ideas....
*Double Unders? I know some of you dream of doing them...time to work on it!
*Muscle Ups
* Kipping Pull Ups
4 rounds:
400m Run
Max KB swings 32/24kg
**Member of the Month**--Dan "The Man"!
I have always liked "going to the gym", but when I started seeing actual results, I think I developed an addiction that makes me want to hit the gym at least 3-4 times a week.
I have grown to love deadlifts and squats, but I think my favorite WOD so far is FGB.
The first thing that comes to mind when i hear the word accomplishments...Shannon and I's before and after pics (we both dropped 30lbs) and also, I am stronger now than I have ever been. My view on health and fitness HAS changed. Before, I would eat anything and everything I could get my hands on because I would go to the gym to keep from getting fat...yeah, you saw how much that worked hahaha. especially after learning paleo, I now know that your diet is 50% of your body's results.
My future goals are to overcome the Crossfit obstacles I'm struggling with right now(namely muscle ups) and to motivate people as much as you and drew do for me. CFU has become a big part of mine and Shannon's lives, no matter what we have going on, we make sure we have time for it. It is our time to forget about the outside world for an hour. I feel blessed to have a 2nd family with the awsome peeps that have adopted Jackie and Drew and CFU. Never seen so much positivity. Thank you so much to everyone that recomended me.
You MUST sign up for a heat for Saturday for your baseline WOD! Sign ups are on the board!
Weight/measurements's your responsibility to ASK to get it done!
Monday is a holiday, the 9am class is being capped at 15 members due to the news channel coming in, there is a list of people signing up on our members CF page, if you aren't a part of our members CF page yet, please email me asap!
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