When you can't make it to the gym--improvise!!!!
Melanie, with her "weight" Natalie...lol!
Weighted Ring Dips
*if you don't have your ring dip yet: weighted push ups
same rep count.
remember: NO PEEL UPS! Do them on your knees!
Alternating Tabata
KB swings *heaviest load
Ex. squats, rest, swings, rest, squats, rest, swings, rest for 8 rounds of EACH!
I wanted to leave a quick note about recording your benchmark workouts and any time we do a lift, or strength workout (weighted dips/push ups/pull ups). If you guys do not already have a spot in the binders please let me know asap, unless you have your own way to record. I try and get everyone a spot made when they finish elements but sometimes its hard to stay caught up.
What is the importance of recording?
To watch your speed and strength improve over time! I guess if you could care less whether or not you are getting faster or stronger then sure, don't record. But most of us do! It's what keeps us motivated that we are working as hard as we can and pushing ourselves in the gym. It's also going to give you numbers to work off of when we have percentage based strength workouts.
PET PEEVE: People that don't know their 1RM on their lifts and spend 5 min flipping through their books trying to find it. COME ON people! This is your 1RM! You should be very proud of that lift and have that memorized, so if you don't thats your homework!
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