Wednesday, December 12, 2012


One of the Team 6(am) crew so you know she is DEDICATED!
Getting up at the a** crack'o'dawn when it's freezing out definitely isn't easy...
But Mary Ellen is all about hard work!

One arm alternating KB/DB Snatch 24/16kg
Pull Ups
400m Run

Please remember that Friday there will be NO 5:30pm regular class. Only a 4:30pm regular class and we are moving elements to 5:30 to get everyone out of the gym earlier for the Christmas Party taking place at Sterling Meadows, hosted by the Hinkles.

SUNDAY BURPEES FOR MS! 10am If you have't signed up yet and want to help support the cause it's only 10$ per person. You can do 350 solo, or 175 with a two person team or 50 with a 7 person team.
CFU is doing burpees for Jill! If you haven't met Jill I hope you get to met her soon because she is the strongest lady I have ever met. To live with MS and have 1.1 million excuses to not workout, she is kicking MS ass every time she walks into the excuses! I love that woman, what an inspiration to us all!!!


  1. I used a #25 KB
    I ripped during the second set of kips got 7 out of 20.. then Jumped the rest
    Mary Ellen your awesome!!
