Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Mary Ellen at 31 Heroes. 
This lil' lady is so motivating, always so consistent with her WODs 
and working hard on her Oly lifts at Barbell Club. 
She also did her first CF competition last month at Team SuperFit on a whim!
Always rockin!

Front Squats
75% of 1RM

Leash up the Goats and take control!
*Choose 2 Goats* (a goat is your weakness....we all have them, even the fire-breathers)

12 minutes
Even minutes
Goat #1
Odd Minutes
Goat #2
*The goal is to work for 30-40 seconds at the top of each minute

Cash Out
2 minutes max rep double unders

1 comment:

  1. Front squats @ 225
    The only place to do wall balls was taken so I did 16 KB snatches @ 32kg and 15 GHD sit-ups for the 12 minutes.
    Double unders 136
