Monday, May 27, 2013


In relation to the old location, if you were leaving the old location,
go out to the stop sign and take a right, it's about 1/2 mile down the road on 
the left hand side. Look for the big Riddle & Associates Lease sign (it's still up)
as well as Robert's Oxygen (that is the front of our building, we are in the back)
We won't give out late burpees tomorrow if you don't see us right away :)

1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch = 1 rep
3 sets of 2 @70-75%
2 sets of 2 @ 75-80%

3 Rounds:
2 min AMRAP with 60 second rest between
5 Push Jerks 115/75#
10 Lateral Jumps

Thank you SO MUCH to those that came out and helped this weekend; moving the mats, cutting the mats and moving the custom fit meals cooler is no small feat! We are so appreciative for how amazing you all are!!! 
The gym is FAR from being finished, we moved things around so that we can WOD tomorrow but PLEASE excuse the mess. It's dusty and dirty so don't wear your favorite Lulu....
A few things.
1. The gym is NOT ready for kids right now, the kid hang out room is full of crap from the old office, there are tools, paint and crap everywhere so please keep kids at home a few more days. 
2. Please make sure the only thing going INTO the toilet is toilet paper, nothing else. Our water system is inside the gym and if something gets backed up it won't be a pretty or good smelling thing to be around....LOL
3. BRING WATER---the water system is still at the old CFU so the only water we have right now is the tap water

Come get down n dirty (literally) and have fun WODing in our new home :)
Again, please bear with us as we get it all situated :)

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