Saturday, December 14, 2013


CrossFit Teens finishing their last WOD before the Holiday break.
They did a little FGB style WOD and killed it!

Working in teams of two or three. 
Teams of three will always have one person resting, teams of two both people will always be working. 
The reps on the given exercise determines how long your partner stays on rower. If u have a 3rd person they can give either partner a rest by hopping in and taking over on the row or other movement. 

*for each set switch so both partners do each the row and given exercise before moving on.

For time and calories:
Partner 1: max Cal row
Partner 2: 30 burpees

Partner 1: max Cal row
Partner 2: 40 KB swings

Partner 1: max Cal row
Partner 2: 50 air squats

P1: max Cal row
P2: 40 overhead walking lunges with plate overhead 45/25

P1: max Cal row
P2: 30 burpees

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