Seriously that WOD we did Saturday was horrible....
So rough that Ryan passed out for a snooze about 10 min post WOD
Hailey was also snoozin' away!! HA!
Get ready for Ryan to start coaching classes soon! Ryan has been CrossFitting since '09
And due to deployments and trainings hasn't been able to attend his level one until last weekend,
he passed! It's been long awaited and we are excited to have him finally start coaching!!!
Snatch OTM x 6
2 Reps @ 70% (full snatch)
1 min AMRAP:
Thruster 95/65
Immediately followed by:AMRAP 6:
5 Pull ups
10 Power Cleans 95/65
15 Double Unders
Post scores for both AMRAPs separately.
Cash Out
40 Russian Twists w/Slam Ball
As heavy as possible
*you must twist to each side to count 1 rep
5:30 Comp WOD
1. Metcon
Squat Clean to Overhead, 165/115
2. EMOMx5
2 Squat Snatches - drop from the top and take 5 seconds between reps
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