Judges Andrew, Duane and Chris at Bend the Bar
Photo by T.Y Photography
5/6am classes will be cancelled Thursday.
Trust me, I am bummed for the early AMers too. However, I am more concerned about safety. The roads where I live are pure sheets of ice as they are around all the neighborhoods. Our parking lot is also a sheet of ice and that alone is a huge safety issue. When it's pitch black outside, 18 degrees and sheets of ice all over, everywhere, its just not safe! Especially when the 5/6am crew aren't even fully awake yet! The schools are closed again as well as most of the CF boxes in our area. We will open at 8am and have all other classes. 5/6am please do the home WOD listed below!
20 min AMRAP
15 jump squats
10 sit ups, v-ups or hollow rocks
5 Burpees
20 min EMOM
Odd Min:
5-15 Reps of Goat (Goat = something you HATE or are horrible at)
Choose a low rep count if you are doing something with a higher difficulty level such as muscle ups
Choose a higher rep count if you are doing something that is quicker, easier to get reps in such as double unders
*You should have at least 15-20 seconds rest per minute after your goat
Even Min:
5 Burpees
10 Squats
5 burpees
GOATS to choose from:
Rowing (for calories)
Muscle Ups or progressions
Handstand Push Ups
Double Unders
Wall Balls
Pull Ups
Push Ups
5:30pm WOD
2. Snatch Complex
5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
Position 1: High Hang (pockets) - should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press. Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.
Position 2: Mid Thigh - chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.
Position 3: Low Hang (below knees) - looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.
Position 4: Full Snatch (from the floor) - looking to hit all the position throughout the lift.
This is not suppose to be a heavy set. Go lighter and drill in the positions.
Every rep is done as a squat snatch.
The idea is to dial in the first position.
Then dial in the second position and pass through position 1.
Then dial in position position 3 and pass through 2 and 1.
Then do a full snatch passing through every position.
This portion will not be done in class. If you have been following the competitor programming with us since the summer, please stay after class and finish this part:
3. Front Squat
A. 3RM
B. 10RM
5:30pm WOD
1. Metcon
"Opening Day"
21-15-9 of:
Wall Balls, 20/14
Pull ups
Thrusters, 95/65
Box Jumps, 24/20
KBS, 53/35
"Opening Day"
21-15-9 of:
Wall Balls, 20/14
Pull ups
Thrusters, 95/65
Box Jumps, 24/20
KBS, 53/35
2. Snatch Complex
5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
Position 1: High Hang (pockets) - should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press. Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.
Position 2: Mid Thigh - chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.
Position 3: Low Hang (below knees) - looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.
Position 4: Full Snatch (from the floor) - looking to hit all the position throughout the lift.
This is not suppose to be a heavy set. Go lighter and drill in the positions.
Every rep is done as a squat snatch.
The idea is to dial in the first position.
Then dial in the second position and pass through position 1.
Then dial in position position 3 and pass through 2 and 1.
Then do a full snatch passing through every position.
This portion will not be done in class. If you have been following the competitor programming with us since the summer, please stay after class and finish this part:
3. Front Squat
A. 3RM
B. 10RM
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