Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Ken perfecting his squat in the snow with his daughter, enjoying a snow day
---doesn't happen often around here!

For the AM**No 5/6am**
We are moving the later morning classes to 9 and 10am (no 8am).
BE SAFE! Temperatures are supposed to hit 10 degrees tonight. Also, the parking lot to the gym is NOT clear, tons of snow! If you have a small car: BEWARE.

Evening classes are planned to run as normal...but always check back here or FB for any changes. 

With a running clock complete:
1.  3 RFT:
10 Power Snatch, 115/85
10 HSPUs

at the 10 minute mark, complete:
2.  3 RFT:
10 OHS 135/95
10 C2B Pull ups

at the 20 minute mark complete:
3.  3RFT:
10 Box Jumps, 30/24 - Games Standards
10 Wall Balls 

Do each for time, you will have three separate times for this WOD

5:30pm Class

1. Metcon
AMRAP 7 of:
up ladder by 3's of:
Front Squat, 115/80
Box Jump, 24/20
complete 3 squats and 3 box jumps, then 6 of each, 9 of each, and continue as far as possible inside of 7 minutes.

2. Snatch Technique
A.  Work up to a heavy single Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS from back rack
B.  Work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance
C.  Work up to a heavy High Hang Squat Snatch

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