Jeff just cruising' through pull ups
Week 1/ Day 2 Squats
Back Squats
60% x 10
65% x 8
70% x 8
75% x 8
Front Squats
60% x 5
65% x 5
70% x 5
70% x 5
10 min EMOM:
Even: 5 High Hang Power Cleans 135/95
Odd: 12 T2B
5:30pm Comp WOD
1. Metcon
1,000m Row
30 HPC, 135/95
30 C2B Pull ups
1,000m Row
30 HPC, 135/95
30 C2B Pull ups
2. EMOMx10
Odd: 7 Push Press (from rack, you choose weight) + 7 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards
Even: 7 TTB + 7 Burpees to target
Odd: 7 Push Press (from rack, you choose weight) + 7 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards
Even: 7 TTB + 7 Burpees to target
The Open begins in less than 2 days! The first workout is released Thursday night at 8pm. We will be doing the Open WODs for the class WODs on Friday's. If you sign up for the open, you must be judged by one of our level 1's. I also encourage you all to come to the Friday night throw downs. The community and atmosphere is just amazing! We will start around 630pm after the 530pm class. Come in and sign up for a heat, then get warmed up and ready to WOD!
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