Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Throw back Thursday!
Emily and Jess at the old box! This is Jessica's last couple of weeks at CFU
She is off to a new journey! Make sure to come in and get your WOD's in
with her before she leaves! We will miss you Jess! 

Cash In:
Tabata Row (8 rounds)

NFT (not for time):
3 Rounds~ (in any order)
15 Hip Extensions
15 Choose ONE: GHD Sit Ups, T2B, V-Ups, Evil Wheels
20-30 sec ring hold *goal is to try to hold shoulders in an external rotation (palms facing out in front of you)
10 DB Push Press (light-moderate weight *should be done unbroken)
2 Rope Climbs
10 reps of GOAT of your choice (a goat is something you HATE or need work on)

Cash Out: FULL BODY MOBILITY WORK in preparation for 14.3 :) What will it be???
Post your idea's on the comments section of this blog (not FB) for your chance to win a little prize….3,2,1 go!