Great photo of Bobby P. from Austin's Wolfpack WOD!
10 min to establish a 5 rep Bench Press
20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds each
Sit Ups
Deadlifts 135/95*
Triple Unders *scale: double unders or lateral jumps over parallette
*Yes the deadlifts are "light" however this is a tabata workout, meaning this is high rep and you need to be able to maintain perfect form throughout. Your reps at round 8 should look the same as round 1. If you normally scale deadlift weight, I highly recommend doing the same for this WOD. If we see your form break we will stop you and make you change your weight mid-WOD
5:30PM Competitor's Class:
Gymnastics Benchmark
max unbroken C2B Pull ups
Goal: Guys 40+, Girls 30+
If you are under the goal number, complete an additional 40/30 reps.
up ladder of 5-10-15-20-25-30... Wall Balls 30/20 - as high as possible.
5 Hang Power Clean, 185/135 between every set of wall balls.
Regional Athletes: Please complete the following below before class
1. Snatch Complex
work up to heavy set of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch
2. Jerk
work up to a 3 rep max jerk - must be cleaned from the ground, no racks.
3. Front Squat
1 RM
MAY 10th we will be participating in Burpees for MS, we have been doing this every year in honor of one of our Unrivaled members, JILL!!!! Get signed up through the link below and make sure to list CROSSFIT UNRIVALED so that all of our donation money gets added together :)
Also, MURPH! Memorial Day Murph will be happening again this year at CrossFit Takeover! It is tradition that we close the gym down and go to CTO to participate with our community.
REGISTER HERE: There are no heat lists out yet but once they come out I will post them to the page but in the mean time just register :) This will be MONDAY MAY 26th at CrossFit Takeover in Virginia Beach.
Friday May 23rd-Monday May 26th
Friday-Sunday all of your coaches will be in Fairfax, VA for the CrossFit Games Regionals competition and Monday is Memorial Day.
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