Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Welcome Erik! 
Getting his "Tosh" sprints in with Team 8am

Week 9/Day 2
Back Squats 
5 x 65%
3 Sets of 5 x 75%

Front Squats 
4 sets of 5 @ 65%

*Do not go heavier on these, and don't add more reps.
You guys are following a specific program and there is a reason for all sets and percentages. If your weights are starting to feel "light" that's GOOD! Monday was heavy, today will be lighter, next week will be mid range and the following week we go up to 103%

With a partner complete: *Each partner must complete the full set before moving on. Deadlifts will be completed as one person works, one person rests. Pull Ups can be completed with both partners working at the same time. 
For time: 
20-12-8 Deadlift 225/155
10-6-4  Weighted Strict Pull Up 25/15# *scale: 10 strict non-weighted each round
30m Band Sprint (every 10m switch partners until you both finish 30m total)

5:30pm COMPETITOR'S REST---Comp WOD class time will be the WOD listed above! 

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