Sunday, December 17, 2017


Only a fraction of the Unrivaled Party peeps. I think we were all enjoying ourselves a little too much and forgot to take a group pic.  Thank you to all for coming and enjoying some good food and drink with those we care about so much.  And thank you to our raffle donors, your prizes were amazing.  Here is to a great and wonderful 2017 and we look forward to a bright 2018 ahead of us.

 Unrivaled Baseball Tee's are going to be going up for pre-sale this week for $30/each. 
I would love to get these ordered by the end of the week so we can have them by the end of the first week in January.  I'll be taking payment to PayPal via give money to friends/family to or cash/check  please when doing orders on PayPal designate shirt size and color.  If you are ordering multiples in different colors be sure to tell us so you don't get two of the same.

For Time:
1500m Row (1000m)
150 Double Unders (100 DUs)
600m Run (400m)
150 Double Unders 
1500m Row

Back Squat
On the Minute x 5:
5 Back Squats – 75%

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