Sunday, December 3, 2017

Toy Drive Day!

Tomorrow, Monday December 4th we are going to do a Toy Drive Challenge.  For every new unwrapped toy brought into CrossFit Unrivaled that day the coaches will do a burpee. So if we get 100 toys on Monday, each Coach will perform 100 burpees.  If we are doing burpees until the sun comes up the next day I look it as a win win! Let's see what you guys can do.

CrossFit Unrivaled Holiday Party
Saturday December 16th @ CrossFit Unrivaled.  
Best Ugly Sweater will be taking home a nice reward. So put on the most hideous Christmas/Holiday attire you have.
This is a potluck party, we will be posting sign ups for entrees, finger food, and other items to bring.
Like every year we will be selling raffle tickets to win some fun prizes along with the big one... A FREE YEARS MEMBERSHIP.  Must be in attendance to win that one!

Front Squat:
Work up to a Heavy Set of 2

followed by…

30 Pull-ups
50 Thrusters (45/35)
1,000 Meter Row

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