Monday, January 1, 2018

Tuesday, January 2nd

New weightlifting class coming next week!
Read below! 

Front Squats -- 2 reps EMOM until failure
- Starting with approx. 100lbs less than your 1RM
- Complete 2 reps each new minute
- Increasing weight each minute until you can no longer complete the set

9 minute AMRAP--
9 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Burpees
9 KB Swings (70/53) (70/53) (53/35)

**9 minutes, short but not very sweet. The shorter a workout is, the more it should burn the lungs! If you see a shorter workout you need to be moving fast and pushing hard!

It's a brand new year, and we have a brand new class coming to Unrivaled. Next week we will be starting a weightlifting class. A CrossFit focused weightlifting class that will benefit the beginner to competitive athlete. Our focus is on technique, drills, barbell cycling to heavy EMOMs.
This class will run on Tuesday nights at 5:30pm for the evening crew, and 6am on Thursday's for the morning crew. This class will be exactly the same for these two days. Therefore if you come both days per week you won't be doing or learning anything new until the following week.
Because we are starting this weightlifting class NEXT week, and one of them falls on a Thursday, please stand by for Bring-a-friend day. We will most likely go back to scheduled days vs having one every week, but I will keep you posted incase we end up just changing the day.

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