Monday, October 10, 2011

I heart my CFU family!

Its hard to believe that its been 6 months already since we started moving out to the CFU location! 
Our family has more than doubled since then, what a great feeling! You guys are all so awesome, theres so much camaraderie in the gym! You guys are the definition of CrossFit, not all boxes can say that. What I love so much about CFU is the fact that there are no "cliques," "groups," no egos....just straight up support for one another. In CFU we are all suffering the same pain no matter how its scaled for each person. Its amazing! Thank you all for giving me the best job in the entire world! Because of you guys we were able to move out of the garage gym, into this awesome space that once looked like a complete mess, and now its where the BAMFs throw-down! 


Double Unders
Sit ups


  1. I can't tell you how happy I am we found CFU. It really is like another family for Sean and I both. I have never been around a more positive and awesome group of people! We love you guys so much:)

  2. Hey Lindsay - It's easy for BAMFs to fit right in! :)

    75-85-102-125-165-185-205 (PR) ...could've went heavier!

    7:40 RX

    - Marcos

  3. 65-70-75-80-95-100-105

    Damn double(singles) unders!!!! Annie- 10:02

  4. I love all of you BAMFS!!!!!!
    I got a PR today on Annie because I had a BAMF aka Angela watching/yelling!!

  5. 52-72-92-92-97-102-112(f) and Annie can KMA!

  6. 53-63-73-83-93-103-108(f)...103 PR!

    4:30pm Annie 9:10
    6:30pm Annie 8:07 PR....yes I did it again with Brittany! :)
