Sunday, March 11, 2012


Our favorite day of the week is here again!!! Let's WOD!

Congratulations to Bryan and Marcie on their marriage this weekend,
what a blessing! 

Hang Power Clean

For time: 
25 burpees
30 double unders
20 burpees
40 double unders
15 burpees
50 double unders

This week is MS Awareness week!!

Please sign up to walk with us April 15th for Walk for MS!
We would also love a donation to this amazing cause. Our very own Jill fights MS daily, and she is a bad ass!!! Let's help raise money for her, and so many others!
Here is the link to our Team Unrivaled for the MS Walk

Coach Steph, Brian and Marcos will be holding the fort down Monday night, and Tues (all day).
If you guys need me call/text me!

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