Sunday, April 22, 2012

Birthday Bash Monday!

Today we honor all of the BAMF's born in April!
Jill, Amy W, Joline, Coach Jackie, Christy D, Coach Steph, Marcie, Scott AND his new son, Sean and Ryan. This is what happens when there are so many badasses born in the SAME month!

....or at least....the WOD!

Birthday Mash up...a mix of our favorite ninja moves with reps (for the most part) based on our birthdays....
For time (all of it together):
Complete 5 rounds of (before moving on)
3 muscle ups
5 thrusters 135/95

Then complete:
200 double unders

Next complete:
4 rope climbs 
4 ground to shoulder with atlas stone,
walk 10m (for 10 BAMF birthdays) x 3
21 "Daly" -sit up to stand ups
13 Hand-release Push Ups

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