9am Class
10am Free Intro WOD/Barbell Club
Thank you to those that came out to CFU and honored the fallen Marines!
Great job pushing through that grueling workout, making it through without quitting---great heart!
Rope Climbs
A CrossFit Football inspired WOD
100m Farmer Carry - heaviest load possible
(shuttles) 100m sprint, 10 burpees
80m sprint, 8 burpees
60m sprint, 6 burpees
40m sprint, 4 burpees
20m sprint, 2 burpees
10m sprint, 1 burpee
100m Farmer Carry
My Papa. University of Oregon Hall of Famer
NO 3:30 class Wed, Thur, Friday April 18,19 and 20th!
NO 9AM Thurs April 19th
-Food Journals due on Monday, no late journals accepted.
- Please be courteous to CFU and the next class coming in by cleaning up your mess in the gym:
SWEAT and CHALK are two big ones!
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