Sunday, June 10, 2012

Monday and Member of the Month!

Member of the Month: MATT Q

Thank you guys so much for being so inspirational to me and l motivating me when I'm struggling to keep up. I  CFU and really couldnt imagine my life without Crossfit or my CFU fam. BAMF's

How did you get started with CrossFit? 
A buddy of mine mentioned it in conversation. So after I YouTube'd it I was so stoked to see it first hand so I searched for a gym and thats when I found CFU.

CrossFit is no easy task, what made you stick with it? 
Crossfit is so much fun to me and I feel like I'm constantly competing with myself for better scores and results. Plus I love the way my body feels after a tough WOD. It makes me feel like I've been sleeping all day and I dont wake up until I get my WOD in. 

What do you love the most about CrossFit? 
The people, hands down. Never met such a positive, motivating, and supportive group of BAMF's before. I love my CFU fam.

What is your favorite WOD or lift? 
Wow there are so many to choose from. I actually really like Murph even with the ripped up hands and swollen arms for days hahaha.

What is your least favorite WOD or lift? 
I would have to say Cleans only because my wrists arent that flexible and sometimes I sprain them if I catch the bar in the wrong spot. 

What is your ultimate goal? 
Well when I started I was trying to lose weight. Now 45lbs lighter I just want to maintain this new lifestyle of being healthy and strong. 

Share one thing about yourself that others may not know. 
I'm a huge geek when it comes to gadgets or making little inventions and stuff like that. Example, I used to want a front facing camera for my old phone so I made a 180 degree para scope for my it that was attatched with a paper clip. It re-directed the the camra view to face the front of the phone. It wasn't perfect but it did work. I called it "The Reach Around" hahaha.

10 min to find 3RM Press

Partner "Cindy"
20 min AMRAP
Partner 1 completes AMRAP of Cindy:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
While partner 2 Runs 400m
*When you switch, start exactly where your partner left off counting total rounds completed


  1. 85x3
    partner with Jay 18 rounds plus 2 pull ups

  2. 65x3 partner w Dan the man, 15 rounds + 10 push ups.

  3. 63#
    Partner with Michelle - 14 rnds

  4. 73x3, 78x2. Partner with Ryan - 24 rounds even

  5. 48x3 :(
    Partner with Shannon 11 rounds + 1 push up

