Tuesday, June 12, 2012


awesome pic of Coach Brian!


Double Unders
Sit Ups

REST 5 minutes

1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/33
30 Pull Ups

Please sign up on the white board at the gym for our potluck 1 year CFU birthday party. Saturday at 6pm!

Next Barbell Club starts August 1st-Sept 29th. Classes will be held Wednesdays 7:30pm/Fridays 6:30pm/Saturdays NOON. This barbell cycle is Olympic Lifting Based. You must be approved by Coach Drew to take this class, meaning you have a solid base on your form. Class is limited in size and we will cut it off once its reached the limit.

Elements Classes:  June 16-17th 10am-11:30am, our next elements will not begin until July 14th-15th 10am-11:30am. This will ensure that our new CFU family members get enough time to get settled in and become more familiarized with the movements before new people come in.

Next Nutrition Challenge: July 9th details TBA

Unrivaled Kids Classes will begin July 17th. They will run 10am Tuesdays/Fridays for the younger kiddos and 10am Saturdays for the older kids. There will be a cap on classes and sign ups to come. Please stay tuned for more details...I will keep you in the loop! 

1 comment:

  1. Annie - 11:25 50 double unders and the rest triple singles
    Jackie - 18:55 blue band 33#

