Friday, November 9, 2012


Monday is Veteran's Day, a time to honor and be thankful for all of the men and women who have sacrificed so much to fight and protect our country. We have many current/veteran/spouses/daughters/sons/brothers/sisters of these people as part of our CFU family and as us CrossFitters do best we throw down on a grueling/tough WOD in honor or memory of all of these men and women. Let's pay all due respect and suffer a little for their sacrifices....

Hero_AdrianElizalde_th.jpegSeven rounds for time of:
3 Forward rolls
5 Wall climbs
7 Toes to bar
9 Box jumps, 30″ box
U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Adrian Elizalde, 30, of North Bend, Oregon, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), based in Fort Lewis, Washington, died on August 23, 2007, in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his parents, Jorge and Teresa Elizalde, sister Rachel, and daughter Sydney Grace.
HOURS: 9am Class, 10am intro, 10-Noon Open Gym

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