Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thursday and Member of the Month!

Chris Schwan
Our CFU Member of the Month was nominated for being such a positive influence in the gym, motivating and helpful to others! 

How did you get started with CrossFit and when?
1. Started Crossfit in January of 2012. A friend got me started by doing the Filthy Fifties WOD I couldn't do half the movements but it had me interested and I was hooked right away. 

Let's face it, CrossFit is hard and downright sucks in the middle of WODS....what kept you coming back for more "pain?"

2. This may sound weird but I love the pain. The challenge of pushing myself keeps me motivated because you can always be improving and pushing yourself to the next level. It's also seeing others improve, our gym is so Bad Ass so many people pushing so hard it gets me amped. And for some reason i still get nervous when the clock is about to start lol. 

If you could create your own WOD "Chris" what would it be?

3. Muscle ups, Burpee box jumps and cleans 

Favorite Lift/WOD: Nasty Girls, Amanda, Cindy pretty much anything with MUs or gymnastics like that one WOD Brit came up with. 

Least Favorite WOD/Lift: I don't have a least favorite but DUs are my worst enemy. 

If you have a CrossFit SuperPower what would it be? A Crossfit superpower would be able to master the Oly lifts.

Because we mainly see CFU members AT the gym, tell us a little about yourself that doesn't have to do with the box. 

 Married for 2 years to my amazing wife Danielle, we have two Boxers, Layla and Bentley, I love to surf, fish, dive anything in the water, And Crossfit has saved my life but that's a long story for another time. Thanx for this I feel like many others deserve this but I do appreciate it very much. Thanx to all our coaches too.

3 rounds:
50 double unders
20 KB Swings 

50 Sit Ups

3 rounds:
15 Close Stance Push Ups
20 T2B

800m Run

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