Sunday, January 13, 2013


Erin killin it at SuperFit this weekend in Richmond! 

Front Squat
Start at 50% of your 1RM
Every minute complete 2 front squats
adding 10 pound each minute until failure

Cleanin' Cindy
15 min AMRAP
1 round of "Cindy"
(5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats)
5 Hang Cleans 155/105

If you haven't checked this site out yet, I highly recommend that you do! now!
You can type any joint/muscle into the search bar to find mobility videos on that specific area.
This is great for those of you that have specific things that you need to be working on DAILY.
Those of you with overhead mobility and front rack issues considering that we do those things almost daily and in class only have time to cover a small piece of mobility. Start searching for ones to try after class and really start working on your weakness. Improving your mobility will greatly increase your strength and speed!


  1. is the best thing ever created

  2. Yes!! It is!
    Did you do the WOD today?
    PRed my front squat! I did 163 for 2, next set 173 but only one. 10# PR!

    WOD I don't know if I was on round 9 or 10, I think I missed counted. Then I got through the push ups. RX weight

  3. Started with 105 ended with 135 which was ugly and half assed. Should of stopped at 125
    8 rounds plus pull ups and 7 pushups

    Jaq- 173 is awesome!

  4. I was out in the field yesterday, but I knocked this one out today. Started with 145 and got up to 255 with one rep on 265 ( 20# short of my PR). I was happy with that considering the circumstances.
    WOD: 11 rounds rx
    Nice job on your PR Jackie.
