Monday, February 25, 2013


Some of our awesome men at Team Grit last weekend;
Dan, Kenny, Bryan and Ken

Skill Work:
Muscle Up Progressions

6 Rounds:
3 Muscle Ups
5 Front Squats 175/115# (no rack)
25 Double Unders

There are still more slots available for the CrossFit Football Cert @CFU March 9-10th
Due to this cert we will be CLOSED both of those days.

The first open WOD comes out in 8 days!
Anyone can register for the CrossFit open. There will be one WOD per week for 5 weeks. After you complete the WOD you input your score online and it will rank you throughout the entire world and our region. It is a time to put yourself in a new situation and see what you're made of! Last year we had a lot of people PR on things; lifts, getting their pull ups, stringing together double unders....
We will be judging people on Friday nights at CFU for those that cannot make the Saturday events which will rotate throughout 5 different gyms in Hampton Roads. TakeOver, Rife, 757, CFU, and Valiant.
Have you signed up yet? What are you waiting for you? Check this out!