Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Weighted Pull Up
Find 1RM Strict
Find 1 RM Kip

*If you don't have your pull ups,
don't worry--there's a WOD for you too :)

Time Trial:
1000m Row

YIN YOGA 6:30pm
20-30 min class that will go on while the regular 6:30pm class is warming up
Please keep in mind that we highly recommend talking that 5:30pm class beforehand.


  1. Hey, I'm in that picture^^^!
    Strict pullup: 103# (PR)
    Couldn't really figure out how to kip with that much weight.
    1000m row: 3:34

  2. You are! We miss you!
    Kipping....very carefully :) Best way is with a vest, the guys were doubling up on vests and wrapping chains around them. You don't really want any weight hanging down...LOL
    Nice work on the strict and that is an amazing row time!

  3. Yea vest probably would've made it easier. I had an 88lb KB and some change weight hanging between my legs. I felt like kipping just made it worse haha.
