Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Scott killin' the row with his long legs!
Please remember we are closed on Saturday...check yesterday's blog posting for WHY!

Please choose a gymnastic style movment to work on:
Muscle up progression
Kipping/Butterfly Pull Ups
Strict Pull Ups
Handstand push ups
Free standing handstands or walking on hands
ring dips

3 Rounds:
400 Row, 400 Run or 90 seconds of Double Unders (choose your goat)
10 reps Choose a gymnastic movement from above
10 Hollow Rocks
10 T2B


5:30pm Competitor Class:

1. Metcon
30 Snatches for time, 155/105 - power or squat allowed.
EMOM complete 30 Double unders

2.  Snatch Complex
5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
Position 1:  High Hang (pockets) - should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press.  Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.
Position 2:  Mid Thigh - chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.
Position 3:  Low Hang (below knees) - looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.
Position 4:  Full Snatch (from the floor) - looking to hit all the position throughout the lift.  
This is not suppose to be a heavy set.  Go lighter and drill in the positions.
Every rep is done as a squat snatch.
The idea is to dial in the first position.
Then dial in the second position and pass through position 1.
Then dial in position position 3 and pass through 2 and 1.
Then do a full snatch passing through every position.

***EXTRA: to be done on your own if you have been following the programming the last couple of months (we will not have time to do this in class)***
3.  Midline
5x10 GHD Bench Press
These are not for load. Use and empty bar.  Don't let the bar drift toward your waist as you press. Keep it in line with your shoulders.  Slower is better.

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