Monday, May 5, 2014

Tuesday….I thank you, with Tabata

Thank you from the bottom of my butt, I would say heart but my butt is just WAY bigger :) Best of 2014 came out and I am honored that we have so many amazing people that would send votes our way! We are Unrivaled because of YOU guys. You guys are family to Drew and I; the members and the coaches. Without you guys we definitely wouldn't be where we are today. Thank you again…okay okay, from the bottom of my heart :) Much love! -Jackie 

Barbell Tabata

8 Rounds:
20 seconds: Push Press 95/65 *keep in mind this should be super light to you, you're going for reps
10 seconds rest
20 seconds: Hang Cleans
10 seconds rest
20 seconds: Bent Over Row
10 seconds rest
20 seconds: Evil Wheels

REST 1 MINUTE after every 2 ROUNDS

You saw it on the program, your mind wondered if your legs were going to allow you to lift it. You thought about it all night, maybe even dreamt about that lift. You'd never lifted that number before.
On the way to the gym you felt the butterflies going crazy in your stomach, you almost thought about turning around because of that small hint of doubt you felt, "but what if I can't get it?" You hulk smashed that thought right out of you head, pushed the gas pedal a little harder, turned on your favorite pump up song and told yourself "HELL YEAH, I GOT THIS SHIT."
You warmed up, stretched, slowly worked your way up in weight. Felt those butterflies again but you put 103% on that bar and without hesitation DESTROYED that weight like it was nothing more than another rep. BOOM!!!!!!!
I am so mother effing proud of you guys. You guys have worked so damn hard on this program and it's paid off. I cannot wait to see your new 1 reps. PROUD PROUD PROUD…I can't get over it!

Competitor's WOD 5:30pm
21-15-9 Deadlifts
400m Run after each set

Clean Complex

*the 530pm class has gone back to the Open Programming. Anyone is welcome to come to this class, please don't be scared of it!

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