Photo by Andrew & Tianna Photography
Back Squat 3 Sets of 5 Athletes have the choice to build with each set or stay at the same weight across. We want this to be a challenging weight for 5, but not a maximum weight for 5. WOD “Doctor’s Orders” 3 Rounds: 50 Air Squats 35 Push-ups 20/15 Calorie Row
*The nutrition challenge KICKS OFF!!! If you want to sign up there is still time! By the end of the day (Monday) make sure to add Unrivaled Nutrition on FB, give $20 cash to either Jackie or Drew for your buy in and make sure you can upload the packet online (Unrivaled Nutrition page) or grab one off of the front desk so you know all of the rules. Please ask if you have any questions!
**Next SUNDAY January 28th at 9am will be our 3rd Open Prep Class! We will be covering HSPU's, strict and kipping. This is open to all members!
***The CrossFit Open is around the corner! What is the CrossFit Open? This is an online qualifier for CrossFit Regionals and the CrossFit Games, HOWEVER the majority of us do it for fun, we do it to see how much we can push ourselves and we do it to enjoy the community of CrossFit Unrivaled.
During the Open, every Friday night we have a Throw-down where we run heats, you sign up for a time that works and will do the workout with a group of about 10ish people. You will each have a judge, someone to count your reps and make sure they are good ones! Then you submit your score online, under your Team: CrossFit Unrivaled. It's fun to see how you compare to others in your age group, division (yes there is a scaled division), and your state, or even the world!
We have also created our own intramural teams to make Friday nights even more exciting! So once you sign up for the Open and make sure you add your team: CrossFit Unrivaled we put everyone into a hat and draw names our creating teams at complete random! The teams get points (remember this is all done as CrossFit Unrivaled and this part has nothing to do with the actual open) based on how many show up on Friday night, how many compete the workout before the deadline, the best dressed (we have themes each week), and the most team spirit.
This is seriously so much fun! We see so many new PR's during the Open! This is for everyone!!! You don't have to be an experienced athlete to participate in this.
REGISTER: and add CrossFit Unrivaled as your team!
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