Becky during the "Nasty Girls" all girls WOD
Don't forget that if you haven't ordered meals from yet you can use the discount code UNRIVALED for 20% off!
Stay tuned for the date of our next nutrition challenge and nutrition seminar :)
If you haven't ordered a hoodie yet all the steps are here ---> HOODIE ORDER
We are on the last week of our strength cycle and will be re-testing our 1RM on the Press, Squat and Deadlift next week. PLEASE, please try and make it in on those days.
70% x 5
80% x 3
90% x 1+
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push Ups
How did you get started with CrossFit and when?
First I have to say I am honored by this nomination - so many deserving CFU members (especially on Team 6 - I may be biased). I heard about CF from a friend who was a member at Obsession and then Valiant, but never looked into it. Last year end, I turned 40 and pledged to finally lose the weight I had gained over the past 10 years, but more importantly to take back my health and get off or reduce the pills I was taking for high BP. In January, Jason R and Amy W told me about CFU and over the next month I looked into CF online and decided it was exactly the kick in the ass I needed and Mary agreed to join me and we started Elements on March 6, 2012.
Let's face it, CrossFit is hard and downright sucks in the middle of WODS....what kept you coming back for more "pain?"
CF keeps me coming back for so many reasons. Shortly after I joined CFU, Jackie held a nutrition seminar / challenge and combining CF and proper nutrition after years of neither meant immediate changes in my body, my sleep improved, I felt stronger than I had in years, just a total change in my overall health that I could see happening week by week. By August, I lost over 25 pounds and four inches off my waist, but most importantly my blood pressure improved so much that my doctor eliminated two pills I was taking. My recent hernia surgery and recovery have shown me even more why I need CF.
I love the fact that every WOD is laid out for you every day from warm up to finish and there’s no thinking about what to work on. I had not been to a gym for over ten years before joining CFU and this may be the main reason why – I’m lost when it comes to what to work on. CF makes sure I work the whole body all the time.
And the #1 thing that keeps me coming back is the incredible atmosphere at CFU that Jackie and Drew have created and of course my awesome teammates on Team 6.
If you could create your own WOD "Jeff C" what would it be?
I “like” (if you can say that) bodyweight, gymnastic and running WODs so it would be some combination of pull-ups, push-ups, box jumps and running.
Favorite Lift/WOD
My favorite lift has to be the overhead squat. You can never lose concentration or focus, even for a second and must remain committed the whole time the bar is over your head, especially doing high reps in a WOD.
My favorite WOD is probably FGB. I love the intensity of it and how you can measure improvement in overall reps as well as each five movements. Both times I’ve done it, we’ve had a packed out box which makes it more intense.
Least Favorite WOD/Lift
I don’t really have a least favorite lift. I still feel like a beginner on them all, so I’m learning more and getting better every time we work on one.
My least favorite WOD I have ever done is the Miracle Mile. I can’t think of a worse death than those 100M lunges twice in the WOD (in 95 degree heat when we did it).
Because we mainly see CFU members AT the gym, tell us a little about yourself that doesn't have to do with the box.
Married to Mary (Team 9) for 12 years and have two great kids Caroline and Ben. I love watching my kids play sports, and I started coaching Ben’s baseball team last year and I’m really looking forward to that again this spring. We love family trips to the beach. I do a fair amount of off-shore fishing in the summertime and love going to see live music.
If you had a CrossFit SuperPower what would it be?
Nothing impresses me more than someone cranking out a bunch of unbroken pull ups, so that is my number one goal in CF is to get to the point I can string together 20+ pull ups (I have a long way to go). I think Santa may be delivering a Rogue pull up rig for the garage for me to work on that. My current #1 CF goal is unassisted pull ups for Murph this Memorial Day (no weighted vest yet).
Awesome Jeff! Although I must disagree with you about OH squats! ;)
165 X5
195 X3
275 X1---PR
WOD- took me FoReVeR... I could only do 5 kipping Handstand at a time before I have to come down and breathe ;)
Took a break over the holidays! I got sick for! Starting to feel a bit better!